Single-use plastics campaign

The Welsh Government’s ban on single-use plastics was another key step in the nation’s  fight against climate change , paving the way for a cleaner, greener future for Wales where eco-friendly alternatives become the norm. Our campaign’s aim was to raise awareness of this important change in legislation, ensuring businesses and the public were informed and prepared for the ban.

Our bright and impactful creative was built around a lively and positive tone-of-voice and message to capture the nation’s attention while highlighting the positive impact this change will bring to Wales. By featuring the banned items, we were able to not only raise awareness of the change (and what it was about), but also inform and educate the public and businesses of the specific items that were no longer legal.

In order to inform our audiences of the change, but also to encourage businesses to be proactive and prepared ahead of the ban, we had a tactical approach to what messages we pushed out, as well as when. We combined specific messaging with a phased campaign activity, drip-feeding useful, and practical information, to prompt businesses to get ready well in time for the change.

  • 85% of businesses in Wales were aware of the law change when prompted in December 2023*. The target was 60% and baseline 44% meaning a we nearly doubled awareness, delivering 25% above target.
  • 72% of businesses in Wales felt prepared for the change in December 2023*, a 23% increase since August 2023, delivering 36% above target.
  • 49% of the general public were aware of the changes in November 2023**, a 15% increase from the baseline in March 2023. The main message recall being ‘Single-use plastics will be banned/ no longer available’ (30% surveyed).
  • 78% of businesses and 77% of the general public were in favour of the new law in November 2023.

April 2024
Campaign, Print & Digital communication, Stop Motion animation

designed and documented by Bogdan Virga and the SBW Team